
Smart City

Citizen Centric

We will use technology to be more community connected and encourage participation, access and inclusion through the design of citizen centric digital services.


We will make it easy to partner and focus on shared outcomes.


We will develop digital city standards and leverage new business models. We will be commercially driven and ensure the Business Case ‘stacks up’.

Residents, business, entrepreneurs, industry and government will be engaged early and often.

A centralized cloud-based platform with multiple access & terminals crosses the city, no more technology/information silos in different departments.

Customized infrastructure systems, we will also measure the effectiveness of the smart city approach to projects.

Smart City

Smart Cities attract knowledge, creativity and investment helping to grow the economy. In an increasingly digital and technology driven age, cities need to look towards new approaches, innovative technologies and smart infrastructure to create an environment that supports both community and economic growth.

Vision Benefits
A city that has a strong and connected community by using emerging smart technologies and enables everyone to participate
A livable city that uses smart technology in its public places, connects people, and uses technology-enabled infrastructure
A city that applies technology and innovation to overcome future environmental challenges
An economically thriving city that has access to digital infrastructure and leverages it to support business growth, investment and sustainability across priority sectors
Provide transformational leadership that fosters collaboration across government, industry and business
Customer experience
Improved efficiency of services
Business and innovation and investment
Improved community engagement by involving people in the design of government services
Increased benefit to the economy through the release and use of open data
Real-time alerts and monitoring to create city wide situational awareness
Reduced carbon emissions and energy